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Chubut is a province of the Argentine Patagonia located in vast plains between the Andes mountain range and the Atlantic Ocean. The remote Valdés peninsula is home to southern right whales, elephant seals and penguins. The city of Puerto Madryn is located on the beach and is an access road to the Valdés peninsula and Punta Tombo, which houses a Magellan penguin breeding colony and has the international ski center La Hoya.

Chubut es una provincia de la Patagonia argentina ubicada en vastas llanuras entre la cordillera de los Andes y el océano Atlántico. La remota península Valdés alberga ballenas francas australes, elefantes marinos y pingüinos. La ciudad de Puerto Madryn se ubica en la playa y es una vía de acceso a la península Valdés y a Punta Tombo, que alberga una colonia de crianza de pingüinos de Magallanes y tiene el centro internacional de esqui  La Hoya














Chubut is a province of the Argentine Patagonia located in vast plains between the Andes mountain range and the Atlantic Ocean. The remote Valdés peninsula is home to southern right whales, elephant seals and penguins. The city of Puerto Madryn is located on the beach and is an access road to the Valdés peninsula and Punta Tombo, which houses a Magellan penguin breeding colony and has the international ski center La Hoya.